Tips for the Night before an Exam

The dreaded night has finally arrived – you have an exam the next day! Nail biting, nervousness, panic attacks, last-minute cramming and feeling like you haven’t studied at all, are common. However, it is necessary to keep your mind calm so that you are prepared to tackle what is coming in a few hours.

Here are a few tips:


Eat a good meal

Don’t be under the misconception of eating sparingly the night before. It is important to have a decent and nutritious meal, so you don’t experience hunger pangs that could adversely affect health. Eating a balanced diet helps with mental energy, emotion regulation, concentration and memory.


Take a break

Studying continuously and trying to memorize everything at one-go is a strict no-no. Take a break – listen to relaxing music, or watch an episode of your favorite sitcom. You can also opt for a 30-minute power nap – it energizes big time!


Sleep well

It can be tough to fall asleep during this time, especially as you are worried about the exam tomorrow – the questions, whether you will be able to complete the test on time, and so on. However, it is harder to concentrate and retain information if you are tired. Don’t pull an all-nighter before the exam, as it has an opposite effect. Sleep for at least 6 to 8 hours, so you wake up refreshed.



No one is asking you to hit the gym, but light exercising can work wonders when it comes to relieving stress and tension. It gets blood, oxygen, and nutrients pumping to your brain, thus boosting your memory and problem-solving skills.


Prepare for the next morning

Have your pens, pencils and everything else you may need (calculator, ruler, notes, etc.) for your exam ready to go the night before. It saves time, and there won’t be any need to panic if you can’t find something at the last minute.

Exams are not monsters to be scared of – make sure you are clear regarding the topics and concepts being covered in the tests, and everything will be fine! Maintain a composed demeanor, so you can tackle the questions and come up with the correct answers within the designated time limit.

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