Moving with the times, Grades Up assessments integrate technology with education. Our interactive online assessments, with an automated grading system, provide learners with immediate access to their performance data.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) form the main basis of evaluation. The use of MCQs is a time-tested, universally accepted method of assessment.

It encourages:

  1. Bias-free, objective evaluation
  2. Quick and secure automated feedback
  3. Cognitive Engagement
  4. Skill Development from lower to higher order thinking skills.

We use a number of learner-friendly strategies within the framework of MCQs:

  1. Odd Man Out or the Process of Elimination
  2. Fill in the Gap
  3. True and False
  4. Single Best Answer or Best Fit
  5. Matching
  6. Extended Matching
  7. Hangman

Questions are also based on logical reasoning:

  1. Anagrams
  2. Inverted Word Order
  3. Cloze Exercises
  4. Jumbled Paragraphs
  5. Jumbled Sentences
  6. Paragraph Sentence Sequence
  7. Paragraph Conclusions
  8. Paragraph Completion
  9. Picture Stories