Transforming English Language Assessments.


Welcome to Grades Up!

In the rapidly evolving educational landscape, GradesUp stands out as a pioneering  digital platform designed to enhance the assessment of English Language skills among students from Classes III to VIII.

Who Are We?

Grades Up is supported by a team of qualified and committed professionals, dedicated to English Language Learning and Assessment (ELLA). We believe that the opportunity of personal discovery is at the core of learning and wish to make it available for every child. Learning and assessment are not binary but complementary to each other. The content we develop is to make this collaboration effective.

Our Mission:

Assessment is a word that is invariably connected with tough tests, unsatisfactory marks and challenging competition. It often conjures up nervousness, anxiety and fear in a child’s mind, which ultimately destroy a child’s confidence and progress.
At Grades Up, we aim to change the perspective. We look at assessment in a special and individual way. It is not a one-time set opportunity, a single chance or a final measurement tool. Rather, we envisage assessment more as a process than a product; a continuous development where the journey is more important than the destination. Hence, our assessments are called Continuous Language Assessments (CLA).

Our Vision:

We hope to fulfill our vision in a number of ways.

  • Assessments are both formative and summative.
  • Assessments are inclusive, valid, reliable, comparable and free of bias.
  • Assessments are based on a comprehensive understanding of age-specific language acquisition.
  • Assessments are learner-centered and validate learners’ knowledge and experience.
  • Assessments cover special and differentiated needs if required.
  • The content matches the interest level of the child.
  • The content is child-centric and relevant to the learning needs of the child.
  • The content promotes critical thinking.
  • The content is enjoyable and provides strategies to foster independent learning.


The complete assessment set will have a panoramic grading system inclusive of  grade descriptor, raw score, acquired level, specific and overall grades, overall percentage,  cohort-percentile and a performance analysis report


Grades Up will enable children to apply several skill sets to become critical thinkers, problem-solvers and independent learners.

Assessments for Classes V, VI, VII and VIII will be available from April 2026.

Grades Up assessments will encompass the entire learning arc. Adaptive learning, personalised, non-competitive learning paths and parental engagement will combine to create a holistic and equitable learning environment. As you engage with this dynamic and innovative tool – as educators, parents and learners – you join us to open up the opportunity to achieve and excel.

Grades Up assures that no child will be left behind.